Garden of Eden Children’s Home is a sanctuary for children from the slums of Nairobi. The Kibera Slum is home to many orphaned children and family ties are loose in the slums. Consequently, children are often left to fend for themselves, living on the streets.

When Thomas (photo left) and Beatrice saw the desperate situation of these children, they started a children’s club in 2006 that met in the Kibera Slum every Saturday. The 20 kids who attended were given school fees, school supplies, clothing, one meal a day and medical care. Two years later Thomas and Beatrice started a school which now educates over 500 children, giving them lunch in addition to an education. But many of those school children still lived on the streets, scavenging for food and seeking a safe place to sleep at night. Something more was needed.

In 2012, Thomas and Beatrice started Garden of Eden Children’s Home where the most vulnerable children attending their school would have a safe environment to live.

Recognizing that abandoned children often have psychological troubles, the home offers a mentorship program that provides one-on-one counseling for children so they can thrive emotionally.

Garden of Eden now has 45 children who stay until they finish high school at age 18. After high school, the home continues to support them all the way through college. Once they graduate from college, they have a program that helps them find a job or start a small business.



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Leader: Thomas and Beatrice Jeny

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